Harder Mechanical Contractors

Project Engieer Intern

June - September 2024 • Portland, OR

What I liked

The work environment was very inviting and friendly. everyone was very helpful throughout the internship. there was always a task ready for me to complete and i was able to see different scopes of work which kept things interesting.

What I wish was different

better schedule. the long hours are hard to get used to at first and its hard to enjoy the summer with most of your day taken up from work. the compensation makes up for it.


ask as many questions as possible. for the most part everyone is very knowledgeable in their role and they are willing to answer any and all questions.
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Project Engineer intern

June - September 2024 • Portland, OR

What I liked

I liked that I was given the option to both work through problems on my own but also having the support to reach out for help. My coworkers were a great support system when I first started because I had minimal knowledge in the field.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had been able to make it to some job sites to see the work that I did in action.


A piece of advice is be open to learning, and reach out for help when you get stuck.
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Field Engineer Intern

June - August 2024 • Portland, OR

What I liked

I liked being able to be onsite and see exactly what I was working on. It was incredibly interesting to watch the project progress, to eventually being able to open to the public in my last week in the internship. Additionally, there was a lot of support for me, as I didn't have much experience in this field prior. There also were some great networking events, which let me meet other interns and employees, but also let me explore different areas of what HMC does.

What I wish was different

I wish there was a little bit more preparation prior to being onsite, just so I was more familiar with the work that I would be getting into. However, it was relatively quick to learn the basics of what I would be doing.


Ask questions! There was a bit of terminology and processes that I was unfamiliar with, and it made the work so much easier once I asked what it meant.
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Legal Intern

June - August 2024 • Portland, OR

What I liked

I enjoyed shadowing the General Counsel, Tara Johnson, and learning about what she does on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, I enjoyed learning about Construction Law and how many subsets of law intersect within it.

What I wish was different



Be flexible, the job required me to take on different tasks every day. Do not come into a work day expecting to do the same thing you did yesterday. Also, make sure to listen and learn.
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quality control

May - August 2024 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

I love the people and their willingness to help you learn and grow. Lots of hours to work and guaranteed over time every week.

What I wish was different


while tiring at times, if you enjoy this type of work, it is very rewarding.
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Project Engineer Intern

June - September 2024 • The Dalles, OR

What I liked

I had an overall great experience working with Harder. Both in the office and on the field. There was plenty of room for hands on experience and the people working for harder are friendly and want to help you succeed with your goals. The pay is good and they help with additional funds for relocation housing.

What I wish was different

Nothing comes to mind Harder Mechanical takes good care of its employees. Great overall experience.


One piece of advice is to not be afriad to ask questions. The people at harder want to help you.
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Project Engineer Intern

June - September 2024 • The Dalles, OR

What I liked

I really enjoyed how hands on the experience was. Everyone was eager to help and answered any questions I had. I was also trusted to do jobs on my own once I was shown the process. I learned a lot of applicable skills and what being a Project Engineer is like.

What I wish was different

At times the workload is very minimal which can make the workday boring. However, this is more based off of where the project is at rather than how the internship is run.


One piece of advice is to ask the Engineers if they have any work you can help on if you find yourself needing something to do. The Engineers can almost always find something for you to help them with and this can also create opportunities to learn some of the more complicated tasks.
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Project Engineer Intern

May - August 2024 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

They care about their people, they try to create a positive work environment.

What I wish was different

Closer to home.


Ask questions, take the initiative to get things done.
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Project Engineer

June - September 2024 • Westport, OR

What I liked

I enjoyed learning more about the heavy industrial side of construction.

What I wish was different

I wish the location would have been a little closer to home.


Be ready and willing to take on any tasks or challenges.
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Project Engineer Intern

May 2024 • Phoenix, AZ

What I liked

Got to work on a project for a major company that allowed me to experience things that I otherwise never would have. Everyone I worked with was also very welcoming and willing to help/teach me when needed while also letting me figure things out on my own. I was not just a coffee runner, but was given real tasks that will provide me with useful experience in the future.

What I wish was different

Nothing comes to mind, I think they do a great job with their internship program.


Work hard and ask questions.
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Project Engineer Intern

May - August 2024 • Chandler, AZ

What I liked

The extremely welcoming yet demanding environment was perfect. Everyone I have worked with is very kind and helpful. Everyone is willing to take the extra time to teach even when it might not be the best time for them. I am very thankful that my experience has been very hands-on and busy as I have been tasked with real & important work as opposed to getting coffee and hanging out. Amazing environment and and amazing people who take care of you.

What I wish was different

Nothing. HMC takes great care of their employees including their interns. Amazing program.


Work hard, ask questions, and build relationships. I believe that you get out what you put in to this program.
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Intern Field Engineer

June - August 2019 • The Dalles, OR

What I liked

The company and everyone in it is very friendly and willing to help newcomers learn the ropes. Getting to work in the field with the craft was also a pleasure.

What I wish was different

Nothing, they do a great job and have a good program for interns.


Be ready for long hours, it's not for everyone.
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Field Engineer

June - August 2019 • Richmond, CA

What I liked

Harder Mechanical works on some very interesting projects which allowed me to experience things that most people are not even aware take place in the Bay Area. Not only does HMC work on large, complex projects in petroleum refining, they work with major companies like Google, Intel, and Tesla. This allows for a broad range of experiences.

What I wish was different

I could not ask for a better experience with Harder Mechanical. They provide housing for their interns, competitive pay, and flexible hours.


Don't expect to be fetching coffee and donuts. Harder Mechanical treats you just like you're a full-time employee. You will work hard, learn a lot, and be given real responsibilities.
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